Boutique hotel «Podol Plaza» invites you to visit Gallery Restaurant to assess the sophistication of European cuisine, stylish interior and pleasant environment during the meal.
We are always ready to welcome and please You with the dishes of the European cuisine, and also organize the conference, seminar or presentation, and accompany any event with delicious buffet, coffee breaks, business lunch or banquet after the event. Experience the hospitality, while visiting the restaurant “Gallery” of boutique hotel “Podol Plaza”.
Summer Terrace «Gallery». The summer terrace of our restaurant is a perfect place for romantic dinner, friendly gatherings, or even fashion show. It is created in the style of Italian courtyard and charms with its comfort and beauty. The interior is made with wicker tables, comfortable sofas, umbrellas and flowers. It is a paradise, where you can feel yourself convenient in a breezing summer and warm rainy evening. The light music completes a lounge atmosphere of our hotel and makes you forget about the time.